Two years have passed since the infamous demolition of the VIP terminal (old building) of the Airport. A new one...
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Monitoring of national parks 2022-24
The ecological society “Green Salvation” presents “Results of monitoring of national parks of the Almaty region for 2022-2024”. This publication...
Does Kazakhstan really need World Heritage?
… The cultural heritage and the natural heritage are increasingly threatened with destruction not only by the traditional causes of...
World Heritage Watch Report 2024: Can UNESCO Still Protect the World Heritage?
On June 1, 2024, World Heritage Watch a non-governmental organization that closely monitors the condition of natural and cultural sites...
Bank for Development and Reconstruction… and Reproduction!
Good intentions In November 2020, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereafter—EBRD) approved a “syndicated loan of up to...
National park, water, land and 12 thousand cut down trees
The global economy is already so far above sustainable levels that there is very little time left for the fantasy...
Obstacles to the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in Kazakhstan
The Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment “has completed a series of six thematic reports on the substantive...
Resurrected from non-existence. Нow the airport building was “moved”
How it all started At the beginning of November 2022, the Airport building, a historical and cultural monument of local...
National parks are a bargaining chip!
On June 2, 2023, a draft law “On amendments and additions to certain legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan...
The Supreme Court recognized the inaction of the Akimat of Almaty city
On May 31, the Supreme Court considered and satisfied in full the cassation appeal of the Green Salvation Ecological Society....
Protecting biodiversity hinders the development of tourism!
On January 27, 2023, the media reported, “the Ministry of Culture and Sports proposed to give akimats the opportunity to...
We bring to the attention of our readers the article by Nadezhda Berkova “LAND OF BIRDS” AND OTHER FILMS ON...
Almaty’s Green City Action Plan: a plan for destructive creation?
The Kazakh city of Almaty joined the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)’s Green Cities initiative in 2019. How...
UN declares access to clean and healthy environment a universal human right
With 161 votes in favour, and eight abstentions*, the UN General Assembly adopted a historic resolution on Thursday, declaring access...
Monitoring of national parks. We need more Nature!
The Ecological Society Green Salvation has released the next edition in Russian “Results of monitoring of national parks of the...