Since 2002, the Ecological Society Green Salvation has utilized judicial methods to defend human and environmental rights. We uphold the right of citizens to access environmental information; we strive to repeal the conclusions of state environmental assessments conducted in violation of the law; and we contest the inactivity of state bodies. Our more significant cases include a lawsuit against the National Atomic Company “Kazatomprom” for failing to provide information, and a lawsuit to acknowledge as invalid the conclusion of the state environmental assessment for the project to construct a high-voltage 110 kV power line in the Mountain Giant District in Almaty and to renew work on the Construction Materials Combine’s Plant No. 3 (KSMK-3) in Almaty.
As a result of lawsuits, in 2004, communications were submitted to the Aarhus Convention’s Compliance Committee. In the case of two of the communications, the Committee recognized the Republic of Kazakhstan’s non-compliance with the provisions of the Convention and violations of the human right to participate in the decision-making process and to justice in environmental matters (see the “Convention” section for more details).