On June 5, a presentation of the Third Environmental Performance Review (EPR) of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the city of Nur-Sultan. The review was prepared by a group of international experts from Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and international organizations – OECD, UNEP, and WHO.
The Review “covers legal and policy frameworks, greening the economy, environmental monitoring, public participation and education for sustainable development. Furthermore, the EPR addresses issues of specific importance to the country related to air protection, biodiversity and protected areas, as well as water, waste and chemicals management. It also examines the efforts of Kazakhstan to integrate environmental considerations into its policies in the energy, industry, agriculture and health sectors. The review further provides a substantive and policy analysis of the country’s climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and its participation in international mechanisms.”
The report incorporated materials from the Ecological Society “Green Salvation”, as well as children’s drawings from a contest titled “Children Should Have Decent Life in a Healthy Environment”, which was organized by the Ecological Society “Green Salvation” and the Young Naturalists’ Station of Almaty.
The full and short versions of the Review are published in Russian and English on the website of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe: