It is being said a lot lately about a necessity to actively develop tourism in Kazakhstan. Overall, the idea is absolutely right, but…
Success in development of the tourism industry, for some reason, is being exclusively associated with construction of a large-scale mountain ski resort on the territory of Ile-Alatau National Natural Park. Now, this idea is absolutely wrong and even contradictory to the national legislation. The saddest thing is that supporters of this idea are not willing to use an integrated approach for development of tourism in the country as a whole.
Even big fans of mountain skiing coming to us from far away will most likely be willing to see the city, visit museums, theatres… So, we decided to have a look at what the tourists can see in Almaty.
The main conclusion from this little excursion: Almaty – is a city of contrasts. Unpleasant contrasts! So, may be the money allocated for destruction of the national park would be better spent if solving the urgent problems.
Material prepared by N.Medvedeva.
Photos by N.Medvedeva.
Translated by S.Tairova.