Talgar: one step forward, two steps back (23.09.2019)
Results of 2018 monitoring of the Talgar World Heritage Site (2019)
Results of 2017 Monitoring of the Talgar World Heritage Site (2017)
The public concerned by the condition of ancient settlement Talgar are addressing the International University Sports Federation (October 3, 2016)
Site of ancient settlement Talgar is in danger! We demand the minister’s resignation! (September 29, 2016)
The public concerned by the condition of the ancient settlement Talgar (March 15, 2016)
Summary of Lawsuits in 2016 by the Ecological Society Green Salvation (see the case No.004, 2016).
Summary of Lawsuits in 2015 by the Ecological Society Green Salvation (see the case No.006, 2015).
The Silk Roads have been inscribed to the UNESCO World Heritage List (2014), (unesco.org)
Silk Road (unesco.org)